

Profile picture for user Asok
New Jersey, United States
Pen, Pencil, Photoshop

IMPORTANT: If you like my art and want to use anything for a homegame or a non-profit creative project, feel free! If you're publishing something (online or otherwise), I'd appreciate a credit. If it's a for-profit project, talk to me first!

REMEMBER, my art here is meant to be used and enjoyed! So use and enjoy it!


I was born and raised in small town California, much like George Lucas. I've even known a few people who supposedly schooled with the film-maker. I started drawing somewhere around age five, scribbling mercilessly with stumpy crayons. I've improved since then. After two initial rejections for Guild Membership, I was inspired by several SWAG artists to branch out stylistically, and I like to think that since then I've ventured into my own style of creating Star Wars art. I love Star Wars, Legos, comics and sciency stuff. I am described as being Gran-like in regular life, and I love new things. Boshuda!