I killed a man with a paperclip, a roll of quilted northern, and a colt model 1911-A1...to the pancreas!


Member since: 2007
Remus, Michigan USA

Good! Now that I have your attention:
We tried this a few years back (as some of you other Old-SWAG-Farts may recall) any some folks completely misunderstood and went ape-kaka. So, once again, I pose the following question....again:(wow, that's a lot of colons)
If...IF..George Lucas had not made Star Wars back in the 70's, and instead made it today, who would you imagine...IMAGINE I say....being cast it said Holy Trilogy, and as who?



Does he have his current amount of money?

If so, Natalie Portman for Leia, Nathan Fillion for Han, and probably some kid from a popular sci-fi series for Luke.

If not, a relative unknown for Leia, Nathan Fillion for Han, and Haley Joel Osmond for Luke.



Nice choices so far (Jack Black as Jabba. I love it). Try this...

Darth Vader: Michael Dorn
C-3P0: Michael Palin
Grand Moff Tarkin: Gary Oldman


Hayden christensen would be Luke.

nice Headline


"Life is to be lived, not prearranged," Luke Skywalker...


Jon Hamm as Darth Vader, voiced by Billy West
Jada Pinkett Smith as Grand Moff Tarkin
Monica Belucci as Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anton Yelchin as Luke Skywalker
AnnaSophia Robb as Princess Leia
Zooey Deschanel as Han Solo
Deep Roy as Chewbacca, voiced by Gilbert Gottfried
William Shatner as Uncle Owen
Queen Latifah as Aunt Beru


Hish, you just exploded amazing all over my face... Next time put up a spoiler warning that way I dont shake into a coma from the sight of that post. Still trying to roll my eyes back down... Gilbert Gottfried.... mmm....

I. J. Thompson

Who was the guy who played Pool Boy on those old 'Cabana Chat' MadTV sketches?

Doesn't really matter, 'cause I'd love to simply see Pool Boy as Luke Skywalker! :D

(EDIT: Ah - I found him! :D


I...I....I think that..I had a tumor in my brain... and that tumor.. just...committed suicide...


Oh, I forgot:

Tyler Perry as Wedge Antilles
Doug Jones as C-3P0
Sir Ian McKellen as R2-D2


Orlando Bloom as the Wampa
Jim Jeffries as Yoda
Ving Raymes as Alderaan
Val Kilmer as every...single..stinkin'...Ewok

Top that, ya animals!!:P



Will Ferell as Obi-Wan

THATS unbeatable


"Life is to be lived, not prearranged," Luke Skywalker...


Dude. Val Kilmer as all the Ewoks ever created - maybe except Malani - is blatant racial stereotyping, what with him being part Cherokee and all! (I mean if he was a Wrangler or a Liberty, it'd be another matter.)


Teddy Roosevelt as cameo roll of Boba Fett?
Fran Drescher as Mon Mothma?
Michelle Rodriguez as Wedge Antillies?
CEO of BP as Porkins?


Ok, who's ready for the ultimate casting call?

Chris Pine as Luke, Natalie Portman as Leia, Nathan Fillion as Han, Ian McKellan as Obi-Wan, Willem Defoe as Tarkin, David Hyde Pierce as C-3PO, and James Earl Jones as Darth Vader (because why not? He's still around!).



Hmm I almost like it Asok... Chris Pine is just way to cool to be luke. He could possibly steal the show from Nathon Fillion, I like it though and Natalie Portman? Ech shes so cardboard in star wars. I think you could actually do better with Keira Knightly as the prissy and sassy princess opposite Nathon Fillion and have some funny romantic go-around. At least better that Portman I think. Ian Mckellen could make a cool Obi-Wan but hes so strongly associated with wisdom and what not. Obi-Wan is ridden with guilt over his failure with Anakin. I think Geoffrey Rush would be cooler and would be boss pimp in the prequels opposite Liam Neeson. I love William Dafoe and David Hyde Pierce though! Imagine it though, Chris Pine being warned about Geoffrey Rush the old failed Jedi out in the desert! Then he goes off with him to Mos Eisley to find Nathon Fillion and Chewbacca. They take off to face the Death Star and rescue the rough and tumble princess Keira Knightly and come back to blow up the death star and face off against James Earl Jones and William Defoe... Uh... Sounds sexy....

Here's a big question though. If it was recast, would the script change?


Ok Hisham... You had your chance... Now its war... (grins)

Thomas Dekker as Luke
Summer Glau as Leia
Jackie Chan as Han Solo
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as Chewbacca
Chris Tucker as C-3P0
Mike Meyers as R2-D2
John Rhys-Davies as Obi-Wan
James Callis (with African skin paint) as Lando
Tricia Helfer as Lobot (Lobot's never been sexier)
Patrick Stewart as Moff Tarkin
Katee Sackoff as Wedge (Ohyeah, Wedge Re-imaged baby!)
Mr.T as Darth Vader
John Goodman as Uncle Owen
Majel Barrett as Aunt Beru
Mila Jovovich as Oola
Mike Meyers also as Jabba the Hutt
Mel Brooks as Emperor Palpatine
Mel Brooks also as Yoda
Hugh Jackman as Boba Fett
Jason Mewes as Storm Trooper TK-401
Kevin Smith as Storm Trooper TK-404
(re-occurring slacking foul mouthed storm troopers in every other scene)

Chow Yun Fat as Chewbacca
Jason Mewes as C-3P0
Kevin Smith as R2-D2 (Because SW's C-3PO and R2-D2 are like Jay & Silent Bob)
Jim Carey as Chewbacca
Owen Wilson as Luke Skywalker
Lena Headey as Leia
Michael Hogan as Moff Tarkin

I can just imagine the scene now with Jackie Chan as Han, and Chris Tucker as C-3PO:

Han: Shut up Goldenrod!

C-3PO: Golden rod? Golden Rod?!? Who yo callin' Goldin Rod?!? I'll give yo' human meatbag a [expletive deleted] Golden rod!

Han: Shut up now or I will shut you up!

C-3PO: OH, you will huh? C'mon an' bring it meatbag!

George Lucas: WTF?!? That's not the script! Cut!!!! Cut!!!!!

Han: OK. You asked for it!

C-3PO: C'mon, is that Kung-Force-Fu all ya got sucka?!?

C-3PO: Hey hey hey! Keep yo' Kwokian Monkey hands of my Money Switch!

George Lucas: Cut farking Cut!!!!

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.


There are many Lobots.

And they have... a plan!!

(If I have nightmares tonight, I'll know who to blame...)


Oh my! TNJadeonar, some of those sounded seriously like they would work, then you throw out a gem like "Mike Meyers as R2-D2" and something inside burst from the laughter.

I should probably call an ambulance now.


JIm Carrey as Chewbacca
Owen WIlson as Luke.

No! I say invasion on you



In an ideal universe, the script would only have the tiniest revisions. The actors we cast are a little more serious than the originals, in some ways. How about Sean Connery as Obi-Wan?



I think that, aside from minor dialogue differences, the story should be considered the same. At least on the more serious recast ideas. On the crazy, loopy ones we can change the story, too:)


Just had a thought:
Anyone of the rest of you geezers surprised that CCR hasn't manifested to tell us what lunatics we are, and then disappeared?


what's the point in telling lunatics that they are lunatics?... They won't believe you anyway, and try to tell you that you're crazy for thinking they are lunatics.

No point in saying that you are lunatics, especially since you already know it :)


Can you guys imagine Leonard Nimoy as Obi-Wan? Would it be blasphemous, or mind-blowingly awesome?



Thanks guys and gals :)

A combination of both some serious thought, and a few curve balls thrown in for good measure, and a couple roles re-imaged ;)

Hisham.... Ooooh, well met! :)

Asok, there's apparently no shortage of Startrek actors to fill out some of the cast, so it'd be blasphemy en-triplicate. Here's a challenging idea, try filling out the SW cast using entirely and only StarTrek cast from the whole franchise (TOS, Movies I-VI TNG, DS9, Voy, Ent, Movies post TNG)

Sean Connery and Leonerd Nemoy both would be good choices for Obi-wan, and a tough call to decide between them. I could seriously imagine either or.

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.


So...I guess we could have Zachary Quinto as Captain/Admiral Piet? keep yer brains covered....


Okay, okay, I got it now:

Luke Skywalker - Michael Cera
Han Solo - Sean William Scott ("Whoa! You've never heard of the Millenium Falcon?! What!? Seriously!? .....$%#& that!!")
Princess Leia - Scarlet Johansen
Chewbacca - Seth Rogen (he wouldn't even need a costume)
Obi-Wan - Chuck Norris
Uncle Owen - Clive Owen (clever, huh?)
Aunt Beru - Pointlessly CG character voiced by Robin Williams
Darth Vader - Billy Connoly
C-3PO - Simon Pegg
R2-D2 - John DiMaggio ( "Bleep Toot, meatbag! Ha! Ha! Nah, I'm kiddin'. Yer great.")
Lando - Randy Jackson ("Dawg...Dawg..Yo! Yo! Dawg!........You NAILED that tentacle-thing, Dawg!")


Wait a second... Billy Connolly would make an AWESOME Obi-Wan. And with Michael Cera as Luke and Paul Rudd as Han Solo opposite Seth Rogen's Chewie (with a cameo of Harold Ramis as uncle Owen and Jane Lynch as Beru), this smells like the greatest sci-fi comedy crossover of all time.



Why hasn't John Rhys Davies been in Star Wars yet?? I DEMAND JOHN RHYS-DAVIES!



"Why hasn't John Rhys Davies been in Star Wars yet?? I DEMAND JOHN RHYS-DAVIES!


Actually I already did. Check my listing back on page 1... And to star as guess who?

(No, not Mon Mothma Hisham :P )

Actually.... speaking of which...

Martha Stewart as Mon Mothma !!!!!!!

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.


I think Asok meant in the "real" world, not our half-crazed, ficticious rambling SWAG world.

And the Martha Stewart idea is, sadly, almost realistic *shiver*


And the Martha Stewart idea is, sadly, almost realistic *shiver*

Yeah, but just think, Mon Mothma could've had a side celebrity cook show. Teaching all those young rebels how to make a meal out of ration packs and how to cook Imperial noodles. Rebel recruits would never have to go hungry again when shot down and out in the field. :D

Maybe John Ryhs-Davies will feature / guest star on the SW Live Action series? Thats about the best we could hope for until/unless another 3 movies are in the works someday.

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.


I'm still planning on writing my own version of the prequels and selling it to Fox, so they can redo I II and III the way they should have been done. If anyone wants to contribute to this effort, too bad. It's all in my head.
