Beginners Advice


Member since: 2007
Minnesota, USA

Hey everyone,

I've been following the artwork on SWAG for several years and I'm a big fan. There are so many talented artists here that have inspired me to try digital art. For this reason I have come to you for assistance.

I am relatively new to this medium having recently purchased a tablet and a version of Photoshop. I've been playing around with the program for awhile, but I could still use some help. I'm currently using a mechanical pencil for my basic sketches before I scan them into my computer. I was wondering what sort of pencils you would recommend for such projects? I'd also appreciate any other helpful tips you could offer.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Evan Black

That's how I do 95% of my sketch work, is with a mechanical pencil. If there is something in particular you don't like about your result, be more specific so we can help better.

The best advice I can give at this stage is practice. Practice, practice, practice! I've seen styles and techniques improve after just a few contributions to this website. If you practice you can get better too!


Thanks for the quick reply.

My basic trouble with the initial scanned image is how to adjust the settings to get the lines just right before I start coloring. In the past, I've messed around with lighting and have gotten decent results. Are there any specific settings you would suggest? It may seem basic, but should cleaning up and adjusting the lines be considerable work? I feel like I'm taking the long way around it.

Also, I can relate to improvement with practice. I find that every new piece of artwork I complete becomes my new favorite! So, I can definitely understand the importance of keeping at it.

Thanks again,


Evan Black

That's tough to say, because it depends on your own style of pencil work. For a long time, I would ink over my pencil work just to have a cleaner, more polished look. But from time I do an exceptional job with the pencil, where inking over it would just ruin the effect, so I'll color straight from the pencil work. You might try inking what you draw (a fine pointed Pilot pen is ideal) or just cleaning it up in the computer.

One thing I do to enrich my pencil work after it's scanned into Photoshop is to make a "pencil" layer. I select the color range of the penciling, and simply color that selected area black. If I think that the pencil work is still too light, I'll just duplicate the layer until I'm happy with the contrast. That way I can lay a white layer underneath it, and I don't have to mess with lighting or anything like that.



Well as far as getting used to the tablet, it just takes a few weeks to really get going with it. As far as painting it digitally, you just need to know the software you plan to use: Photoshop, Painter, Art Rage...ect. And also to have a solid understanding of the basic foundations in art. Compoistion, line use, Value, lighting, perspecive... Other than that m8, it's all practice.