Greetings, from the soggy Pac Northwest, home of mediocre coffee, excellent beer, and lots of cheese.

Sorry, I've been prowling old threads and couldn't resist.....

I'm really just trying to introduce myself. Massive SW geek here, but managed to keep it hidden from my husband for several years. (destiny point on a deception check, anyone?) Now I'm working on a novella that I eventually hope to get published, and have been dubbed Darth Geekius by my GM, Darth Nerdlius. He's now afraid to sleep.

I am currently in my second campaign in Saga Ed. I'm a slightly-scary fan of Mandalorian cultures, and out of sheer nerdliness, I'm trying to develop Mandalorian recipes, thereby combining my two greatest loves, cooking and Star Wars. I scare myself sometimes.



Starbucks is the Palpatine of the coffee world.

Not sure what to say, so..Death to Starbucks!

Lord Crumb

I venture a question to you. Have you been to Forks, WA? I really don't know if you are that close to it or not. Seattle, isn't it the city with Stormtroopers on every corner along with those Starbucks and donut shops.

Death to the Starbucks and glad to have you here at SWAG!

-LC :-)


Forks is about three hours away from me. I've been there before the whole Twilight fiasco started.

There is AMAZING coffee in Seattle, Asok. It's just not Starbucks.

We have a lot of the 501st here in the Seattle area and we're a quick ferry ride from Victoria BC, where Darth Vader plays the violin on the corner park by the ferry dock.


Okay.. I just have to say it...

Welcome to SWAG Bellatendris... I think I really like you, you make me laugh... You'll fit in well around this nuthouse :)

((Stay away from my cashews!))


Only if they are coated in white chocolate, or dark chocolate with sea salt, served by a buff Hawaiian or Samoan. *blush*

Yeah, about the hazelnuts...


I bet mercy is thrilled to have another woman on SWAG!

Double chocolate mocha!!

with vanilla whipped cream,

and of course,
Booh to starbucks, yaah to dunkin donuts!

What kinda name is starbucks, anyway?
lol hehe

welcome bellatendrisawhatever, can I call you bella for short? bellatendris is a sort of tongue twister...

bellalalat tenderisss



You absolutely can call me Bella. Sadly, we don't have Dunkin' Donuts out here- we do have Krispy Kreme though.

Bellatendris is the Basic version of Bela'tendrss, the name of my Twi'lek in Ryl.

And when I do get a coffee, I get:

Double breve Irish Cream mocha, or a Zebra, which is a mocha with dark chocolate syrup and white chocolate flakes melted in it, or a French Kiss, which is a double breve latte with French vanilla syrup. Also love Copper Camels, which is a latte with a shot of butterscotch syrup and a shot of Irish Cream syrup.

/end coffee snobbery

I mostly drink tea nowadays to be honest. ;)


Coffee may be one of the ingredients but that ain't saying beef stew is potatoes. Though mine is not much different. 1 in. of sugar, 6 ice cubes, 3 in. of creamer or milk....and 32 oz. of coffee preferably older, strong coffee..3-5 times a day. Any ol' gas station will do.


Asok, I had to give up espresso after I nearly gave myself a stroke in college.(I was working graveyard shift, going to school during the day, and doing theater in the evenings, so I was drinking north of 25 shots of espresso a day- you do the math on my blood pressure) I drink tea now..preferably good strong black tea. That said, my current favorite is Princess Grey, which is Earl Grey with lavender and rose petals in it.

I'll always be a Darjeeling girl at heart though.


I drink strong black stuff from Russia, and Earl Grey on occasion. But my girlfriend just got me some expensive Chinese green tea from San Francisco recently, which is phenomenal. It's all about the tea... coffee is for losers! lol, jk, jk, please don't hurt me. I know how strung out coffee-drinkers get. Don't hurt me!


Lord Crumb

I'm a sweet tea-drinker, but not to sweet. It is considered a *sin* in my family-at-large if you do not drink tea. Green tea is the norm for my family.

-LC :-)


I firmly believe sweet tea should not make your teeth hurt. I think that's why I got exiled from the South. I tried to describe "sweet tea" to my husband, who's from RI, and I said, "imagine corn syrup with tea leaves steeped in it". He didn't believe me until he tried the McDonald's sweet tea. This man, who will eat straight sugar cubes given the chance, looked at me and said, "Damn, honey, you're right, that's too sweet even for me."

Have you tried the Dorian Grey tea, Asok? It's supposed to be like Earl Grey, with apple instead of bergamot, and like three times the caffiene.


One of the reasons I drink tea instead of coffee (and rootbeer, ginger ale, etc. instead of cola) is to avoid the caffeine. So no...



*steps in for a moment*

May I have everyones attention please?..

I'd like to announce the winner of this years "Longest Forum Title Ever" Award...

The winner is... A newcommer to these forums... Bella!!!..

Congratulations Bella, you have made the Longest Forum Title ever. You deserve this reward ... **Hands bella a statue of a pen and paper**


*sniffle* I feel so loved...

It's just what I always wanted- a new cyber-paperweight I can throw when I get writer's block.