Addressing the Impacts of Counterproductive EHR Systems in Nursing Practice

I understand the need for technological advancements in our field, but this new EHR system is counterproductive We’re nurses, not data entry specialists. Our priority should always be direct patient care. Since the implementation of this system, I’ve seen my colleagues—and myself—become increasingly frustrated. We’re spending precious minutes clicking through screens instead of providing bedside care. It’s not just about the inconvenience; it’s about the safety and well-being of our patients. If we’re preoccupied with software glitches and slow response times, we’re not fully present for those in our care. I’ve heard similar complaints from many nurses across different departments. It’s clear that while the intention behind the EHR system was good, the execution has been lacking. We need a system that complements our workflow, not complicates it. I urge the hospital administration to consider our feedback and work with us to find a solution that truly benefits everyone involved.