Feeling Rebellious?


Member since: 2008
Huber Heights, OH

Relaxing in the lounge, flipping through the latest Spectrum 15 book I couldn't help but notice the Imperial Recruitment Poster, asking YOU to Join Now!

Flustered, I asked myself why the Rebellion didn't see a reason to make any posters like this as well (of course, it then struck me the answer was because it would be considered rebel propaganda and destroyed). So, I decided I myself was feeling rather rebellious at that precise momment and decided to take it upon myself to make the poster.

I began as I often do, thumbnailing in the dead of night until I awoke the next morning wondering what all the paper was doing lying across my bed. Then I remembered the poster, and eagerly set to work searching out the best idea and making a rough draft. I also looked for reference material to use and set up my workspace to begin.

Below are some pictures of the progress made. Plans are to eventually turn this into a GM screen with all information on the inside and respective typography on the cover.

**Media used: Ink, Acrylic, Watercolor, Colored Pencils***

