Selkath Sith Lord - WIP #1


Member since: 2007
Los Angeles CA

Selkath Sith Lord, WIP No.1/Initial Sketch.

Pushed some digital paint around and I have this so far: the character cutting loose with her Force Wave as some sort of sonic/telekenetic scream. I probably won't be detailing the background and surrounding area too much. Still not quite sure how those robes will end up. Left hand needs to stretch?

Do Selkath have teeth? Can they even open their mouths that wide? I figure, even if they didn't/couldn't, maybe this one might since she's probably had some Dark Side mutation or something.

Maybe an ornate lightsaber hanging by her hip? Or ignited in her right hand? Not sure yet. (Maybe non-ignited. Don't want to loose her pretty li'l eye as a focal point. Dunno yet.)

-- W.



Ghost! Good to have you back. I was hoping one of my emails would get through. It looks great. Can't wait to see more of your work again!


Lord Crumb

Yes, Selkath do have teeth. How far they can open their mouth is left up to speculation. I agree with your suggestion of Dark Side mutation and your the artist. Thumbs up.


Hish, Eclipse: Thank you, gentlemen. Feels great to be back.

Lord Crumb: Thanks for the additional info and the thumbs up. I'm glad you're liking our initial direction. I've had a bit more time to sketch through some other ideas and I think I'm finally happy -- basically a tweaked version of the above, with extra Wave-Scream action. I'm really liking it. Will post it up a bit later.

-- W.

Just another ghost in the holocron.