Vorrsk, Trandoshan Jensaarai


Member since: 2007
New Jersey, United States

A Trandoshan Jensaarai defender, requested by Adalias. The armor, as requested, is based on the famed Katarn of Kashyyyk.



Wow I'd completly forgotten about this, I'm not sure what made me check back here, but it was timed well!
As for the picture, I hate to be a nusiance, but there are a few really small things that don't quite look right. (If you were doing any of these anyways, and I can't tell from the first sketch, feel free to tell me to shut up :P)
First, I was thinking that the cloak would be larger, in this draft it looks more like a cape. This is my character for Saga edition of the RPG, and more than once I've taken the helmet off, and draped the cloak, completly covering me so people walking down the street don't get alarmed by the giant armored lizard
Second, I love the look of the armor, but the individual plates look organic, and while this fits with the Katarn theme, I was imagining they were just smooth, inter-locking armor plates, and the shape as a whole, combined with the helmet and spikes show that they are Katarn-based.
Thank you SO MUCH for taking my request, I can't wait for the final result :D

P.S. I'm sorry I'm so long winded, I'm kinda excited at the moment


I sort of... already finished. It's in the submission queue now. You can take a peek at the finished product here and tell me if you don't like it. If you don't, I'll try to change it.

I appreciate the enthusiasm!



Rats, too slow checking the site :P
They were just really small, nitpicky things, it looks amazing, thanks so much :D


Can I make a comment here too? And this is really for all requesters, not just you Adalias, cause I've had this happen to me a bit in the past...

Cloaks that completely cover a character are kind-of a pain.
The way I go about drawing a figure, and I can only assume that the other artists have a similar method, is to draw lines and circles representing bones and joints > flesh these out to become fully, er, fleshed arms/legs/torso etc. > cover these with clothing/armour/etc. > accessorise!
The bugger of it is that you still have to go through this whole process to get a picture of a guy who is entirely wrapped in a cloak - because you have to plan where all the bits go. Otherwise it looks wrong. Even if you can't exactly tell why - it looks wrong. Usually it looks flat or slightly skewed, whatever, and it's even worse if you have to account for armor as well - talk about a waste of effort! I think this is why my girls always look like they're ready to burst out of their clothes - shame! It's because I just can't bring myself to cover that mid-riff that I took so long getting right in anything other than a skin-tight fabric...
Anyway, I'm rambling. I just thought I would bring it up, and maybe you can see what I mean?
Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me? (I'm cool to just shut up if it is...)

Asok - this picture looks awesome! I can't wait to see the larger version!

(shutting up now...)
~ Mercy


Heehee as I was looking at the finished pic, I realized that that would have looked lame if over half the character was blank fabric, not even considering the artist's effort. Probably the only reason I ever mentioned it is because my GM keeps forgetting I can do that when we play, and the frustration bleeds through a little :P


Heh! Yeah, I gotcha!
Perhaps you could try and talk Asok into an alternate pic for your character with him totally wrapped in the cloak. That could look quite cool!